[Freedombox-discuss] orange pi one or orange pi zero the default freedombox hardware
ni nhar
6 years ago
Freedombox-discuss mailing list
Pierre L.
6 years ago
I don't want to speak in the name of Freedombox, but...
I deprecate showing a raspberry pi on the video on freedombox.org.
Because the image requires non
free software. Same reason apply to raspberry pi 0. Isn't raspberry pi
0 to low on performance? It
has no ethernet.
But I think there is version W with wlan+bluetooth
I suggest making an orange pi one and orange pi 0 freedombox image and
one of them becoming the freedombox hardware package people can  buy.
<<FreedomBox is designed to be the software for a consumer electronics
device that is easy to setup, maintain and use. The project does not aim
to create a custom hardware device ourselves, but instead we plan to
support/customize existing hardware.>>
Computer is about 10usd. In all hardware should be not more than
30usd. If a low priced
solution to get freedombox on the sd card before shipping is
available  I do not
Chinese online vendor only ?
I prefer the orange pi one because it has a hdmi connector. If you buy
a freedombox orange pi one
package and it turns out you will not have a freedombox you can use
the orange pi one as
a desk top.
If you speak about Raspberry Pi as a not so good hardware, you have read
somewhere it has a HDMI connector too, since v1...
I got an orange pi one. I have tested armbian stretch on it. According
to armbian's forum
if you enter
apt purge iozone3 armbian-firmware
you likely get a free software system. The computer is fast. It can
run a bunch of programs
Raspberry Pi got 1Go RAM... (Orange Pi is only 512Mo ? Yes ?) + 4 USB
for connecting mouse/keyboard/usb key... everything needed for a
"desktop" computer.
It cannot show youtube or vidoes well. Maybe because of lack of
hardware support.
10$ computer ;)
On this email list I asked for an orange pi one freedombox free
software image. I was
told it is required it gets on the list
I filed a request on
I got no response.
I think ideas can be shared from an open mind ;)
I think it's always a bad solution to impose our solution as a "default

Only my thoughts...
ni nhar
6 years ago
Post by Pierre L.
But I think there is version W with wlan+bluetooth
The other reasons suffice to advice against
raspberry pi 0.
Post by Pierre L.
The project does not aim
to create a custom hardware device ourselves,
but instead we plan to
Post by Pierre L.
support/customize existing hardware.
Find haidars nov 11. email in
expand into hardware sales.
Freedombox does want to sell a freedombox hardware
Post by Pierre L.
Computer is about 10usd. In all hardware
should be not more than
Post by Pierre L.
30usd. If a low priced
solution to get freedombox on the sd card
before shipping is
Post by Pierre L.
available  I do not
Chinese online vendor only ?
Why is that important? Who makes the raspberry pis?
Post by Pierre L.
If you speak about Raspberry Pi as a not so good

Are you aware what free software is? Watch this

Then you get to know why raspberry pi is an
choice. If you ask freedombox they likely will answer
they only reluctantly provide a non free software
raspberry pi
image. They likely only provide a raspberry pi
image because there are more than 10 million raspberry
Post by Pierre L.
you have read somewhere it has a HDMI connector
too, since v1...

Did I say raspberry pis have no hdmi?
Post by Pierre L.
Raspberry Pi got 1Go RAM... (Orange Pi is only
512Mo ? Yes ?) +

1gb ram is better. Does not change that raspberry
pi is unacceptable in terms of free
software and 30usd.
If orange pi one's 512mb is enough has to be tested.
Post by Pierre L.
How many usb connectors are required to run a
Post by Pierre L.
for connecting mouse/keyboard/usb key...
everything needed for a
Post by Pierre L.
"desktop" computer.
Add an usb hub and the orange pi one gets an equal
number of
usb connectors.
Post by Pierre L.
10$ computer ;)
Do the freedombox use graphic hardware support?
In armbian xenial graphic hardware support is
availble. Freedombox will have to
decide if orange pi one can run freedombox.
Raspberry pi runs raspbian. Is that any advantage
regarding freedombox?
Post by Pierre L.
On this email list I asked for an orange pi
one freedombox free
Post by Pierre L.
software image. I was
told it is required it gets on the list
Post by Pierre L.
I filed a request on
I got no response.
I think it's always a bad solution to impose our
solution as a "default
Post by Pierre L.
To reach a low price freedombox should only
provide one
freedombox hardware package option.
Post by Pierre L.
Freedombox-discuss mailing list
Pierre L.
6 years ago
Post by ni nhar
Post by Pierre L.
But I think there is version W with wlan+bluetooth
The other reasons suffice to advice against
raspberry pi 0.
I don't know where you have found anything about Freedombox image for
RPi 0 and makes you angry against this little board ?
Post by ni nhar
Post by Pierre L.
The project does not aim
to create a custom hardware device ourselves,
but instead we plan to
Post by Pierre L.
support/customize existing hardware.
Find haidars nov 11. email in
expand into hardware sales.
Freedombox does want to sell a freedombox hardware
Nice news, it can a good revenue for the foundation !
Post by ni nhar
Post by Pierre L.
Computer is about 10usd. In all hardware
should be not more than
Post by Pierre L.
30usd. If a low priced
solution to get freedombox on the sd card
before shipping is
Post by Pierre L.
available  I do not
Chinese online vendor only ?
Why is that important? Who makes the raspberry pis?
"Who sales" was in my mind ;)
Post by ni nhar
Post by Pierre L.
If you speak about Raspberry Pi as a not so good
Are you aware what free software is? Watch this
Then you get to know why raspberry pi is an
choice. If you ask freedombox they likely will answer
they only reluctantly provide a non free software
raspberry pi
image. They likely only provide a raspberry pi
image because there are more than 10 million raspberry
I'll watch it asap... thx for the link on this video website under the
name of Google ;)
Post by ni nhar
Post by Pierre L.
you have read somewhere it has a HDMI connector
too, since v1...
Did I say raspberry pis have no hdmi?
You said "I prefer the orange pi one because it has a hdmi connector."
Ok ? Do you remember ? So I don't know why you prefer something that has
the same connector like all the others ? :p
It's like someone saying : I prefer the Volvo brand car because they
build cars with 4 wheels :p
Post by ni nhar
Post by Pierre L.
Raspberry Pi got 1Go RAM... (Orange Pi is only
512Mo ? Yes ?) +
1gb ram is better. Does not change that raspberry
pi is unacceptable in terms of free
software and 30usd.
If orange pi one's 512mb is enough has to be tested.
Ok why not. 1Go can be just enough if you want to use it as a "desktop"
computer. Think about browsers using more and more RAM when surfing the
web ;)
Post by ni nhar
Post by Pierre L.
How many usb connectors are required to run a
Post by Pierre L.
for connecting mouse/keyboard/usb key...
everything needed for a
Post by Pierre L.
"desktop" computer.
Add an usb hub and the orange pi one gets an equal
number of
usb connectors.
Post by Pierre L.
10$ computer ;)
Yeah, why not. You know what you have for this price ;)
10$ mini electronic board that can be used as a development/test board,
not a "computer" as I can name it.
Sorry, I'm not absolutly agree with all your ideas.
You are free to think that, but sadly I can't continue to answer.
Post by ni nhar
Post by Pierre L.
Freedombox-discuss mailing list
Freedombox-discuss mailing list
ni nhar
6 years ago
Post by Pierre L.
I don't know where you have found anything about
Freedombox image for
Post by Pierre L.
RPi 0 and makes you angry against this little
board ?

If you knew what free software is and were in
favor of it you
would not want a raspberry pi freedombox either. I
do not blame
freedombox for having provided a raspberry pi
image. But should freedombox decide to ship a
hardware package requiring non free software it
should be
Post by Pierre L.
I'll watch it asap... thx for the link on this
video website under the
Post by Pierre L.
name of Google ;)
It is unfortunate. Do you know about tor?
Post by Pierre L.
Ok ? Do you remember ? So I don't know why you
prefer something that has
Post by Pierre L.
the same connector like all the others ? :p
The orange pi 0 has no hdmi.
Post by Pierre L.
Ok why not. 1Go can be just enough if you want
to use it as a "desktop"
Post by Pierre L.
computer. Think about browsers using more and
more RAM when surfing the
Post by Pierre L.
web ;)
Is the raspberry pi better about browsing?
Probably 1gb also has it limitations regarding
Post by Pierre L.
Yeah, why not. You know what you have for this
price ;)

You do not because you have not tested it.
Post by Pierre L.
10$ mini electronic board that can be used as a
development/test board,
Post by Pierre L.
not a "computer" as I can name it.
Is the raspberry pi a computer?
Post by Pierre L.
Post by Pierre L.
Post by Pierre L.
I think it's always a bad solution to impose our
solution as a "default
How many freedombox hardware package options do
you suggest?
Post by Pierre L.
Sorry, I'm not absolutly agree with all your ideas.
Where are your arguments?
Post by Pierre L.
You are free to think that, but sadly I can't
continue to answer.

May be a good idea considering your knowledge
level about free
software and the mainboards mentioned.
Pierre L.
6 years ago
Thx God for this idea !
Reading you is hard. You say everything and its opposite.
I do not know if you are someone whose participation has made things
happen with those mails on this list.

Sorry to all for my noise, but when I read these written lines with this
convincing openness...

Post by ni nhar
May be a good idea considering your knowledge
level about free
software and the mainboards mentioned.